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Health Education

Oxnard Union High School District requires a 1 semester/trimester health course for graduation. The course is centered on the California Department of Educations Health  Education Standards, and Education Code requirements, including  EC §51930 – EC §51939 , and (# for CPR/AED).

This course covers basic health facts and issues facing today’s society.  The specific purpose of this course is to equip students with health information and thinking skills required for survival and success in modern society.  There is an emphasis on essential health information, techniques for acquiring additional health information, decision-making, and the application of the thinking skills to life issues.   The full course description can be viewed here.

Comprehensive Sexual Health Education


 EC §51930 – EC §51939

The purpose of the California Healthy Youth Act (Education Codes 51930 through 51939) is to provide every student with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their sexual and reproductive health from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

The Oxnard Union High School District will provide instruction in comprehensive sexual health education, HIV/AIDS prevention education, and/or will conduct assessments on pupil health behaviors and risks in the coming school year. Parents or guardians may:

  1. Inspect the written and audiovisual educational materials used in the comprehensive sexual health and HIV/AIDS prevention education;
  2. Request in writing that their child not receive comprehensive sexual health or HIV/AIDS prevention education;
  3. Request a copy of Education Codes 51930 through 51939;
  4. Be informed whether the comprehensive sexual health or HIV/AIDS prevention education will be taught by district personnel or outside consultants; and
  5. When the district chooses to use outside consultants or to hold an assembly with guest speakers to teach comprehensive sexual health or HIV/AIDS prevention education, to be informed of:
    1. The date of the instruction
    2. The name of the organization or affiliation of each guest speaker

The District has selected a program called Comprehensive Health Skills for High School, Goodheart Wilcox, 2021.  This program includes the comprehensive sexual education topics required by the California Healthy Youth Act.

Teachers will notify parents prior to outside presenters or guest speakers regarding the topic to be covered and the affiliation of the speaker who will be presenting information related to the California Healthy Youth Act Sexual Education Program.

The District may administer to students in grades 9 through 12 anonymous, voluntary, and confidential research and evaluation instruments, including tests and surveys, containing age-appropriate questions about their attitudes or practices relating to sex. Prior to administering such a research and evaluation instrument, parents/guardians shall be provided written notice of the administration. Parents/guardians shall be given an opportunity to review the research instrument and to request in writing that their child not participate.

SEXUAL ABUSE / SEX TRAFFICKING PREVENTION / SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS PREVENTION EC §51900.6 and EC §51950 Parents/guardians will be notified of any instruction which includes topics related to sexual abuse, sexual assault awareness prevention, or sex trafficking prevention education. Parents may submit a written request to excuse their child from participation in these classes. 

The Comprehensive Health Skills for High School, Goodheart Wilcox, 2021, does contain lessons on sexual abuse, sexual assault awareness prevention, and sex trafficking prevention education, that will be taught at the teacher’s discretion.

Students not participating in the CYHA lessons will not have their grades  penalized and will be given alternate lessons on general health topics also included in the Comprehensive Health Skills for High School, Goodheart Wilcox, 2021  or teachers may assign alternative curriculum tailored to suit student needs.

Link to Parent Letter,  Link to AR Policy, Link to CYHA on Department of Ed site.
OUHSD Board Policy 6000 Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction

OUHSD Student/Parent Handbook

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs- Prevention Education

Students are provided ATOD prevention education in their health class as well as valuable information from Stanford Medicine Tobacco Prevention Toolkit  Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit .