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State & Federal Programs

Shannon H Scott


Shannon H Scott

Director State and Federal Programs


Amelia Veronica

Director’s Secretary

Telephone: 805-436-8525


Connie Cervera, Ed.D. 

Categorical Programs Specialist

Telephone: 805-278-1067


Hilda Gómez

District Parent Liaison

Telephone: 805-486-1809



About English Learner & Migrant Education

There are more than 630 Migrant students eligible for services in the Oxnard Union High School District. These are students whose parent or guardian (or the student living independently) has moved or migrated within the last three years with the principal intention of seeking temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing activity. Students may be eligible until 21 years of age.The Board of Trustees recognizes that children of migratory workers have special educational and health needs. The Board authorizes a supplementary instructional support program using available federal funds so that students will have continuity of their educational 

progress, help to overcome language barriers, and motivation for consistent attendance at school. The Board encourages parents/guardians and staff to support and assist each other in all such efforts.

The district makes use of available funds to provide supplementary services for migrant children. Such services shall be coordinated with other existing district resources such as English Language Development, health screening, and compensatory education programs.


Qualifying students are eligible for the following services:

  • Special Program Counselors promote individual academic progress and provide personal guidance.
  • Migrant Teacher Corps students provide additional classroom assistance.
  • Activities designed to promote leadership, self esteem, college and career guidance, and cultural appreciation.
  • Regular communication in the parent’s primary language designed to promote an understanding of and participation in their child’s education through District Migrant Parent Advisory Council Meetings and activities.