Academy of Arts & Entertainment
Reel in Your Career
Welcome to the Arts & Entertainment Academy! Students in the Arts and Entertainment Academy follow a pathway in Commercial Photography, Video Production or Theatre. Students must complete a three-course pathway by the end of their high school career to meet the academy requirements (more detail provided in links above.)
Each career pathway is designed to provide students with curricular and co-curricular experiences that are modeled after the arts industry. In the classroom, students gain technical skills in their chosen discipline, and engage in project-based learning, where they develop as communicators, collaborators, critical and creative thinkers.
Students also participate in work-based learning activities where they develop career skills, hear from guest speakers in their industry, attend field trips, attend job-shadowing events, and explore internship opportunities for their senior year.
Prepare in the Classroom
Build a strong foundation with A-G approved courses and prepare yourself for an exciting new arts & entertainment career. Classes include:
Academy of Arts: Commercial Photography Pathway
- Commercial Photography
- Advanced Commercial Design (H)
Academy of Arts: Stagecraft Pathway
- Stagecraft CTE
- Advanced Stagecraft CTE
Academy of Arts: Video Production Pathway
- Video & Film CTE
- Digital Broadcasting
- Advanced Video & Film CTE (H)
Get Real
Take what you learned out into the real world and see first-hand what awaits you in the field of arts & entertainment. Hands-on, in-depth immersive experiences may include:
- Visits to Two Working Hollywood Studios
- Field Trips to Performances & Museums
Valuable Training for Exciting Careers
Kickstart your career path in arts & entertainment with the help of our academic instruction and industry insight to get a head start in your career. Potential career paths these programs help prepare you for include:
Academy of Arts: Commercial Photography Pathway
- Freelance Photographer
- Camera Operator
- Freelance Video Editor
- Assistant Photographer
- Assistant Video Editor
Academy of Arts: Video Production Pathway
- Production Assistant
- Video Logger
- Writer’s Assistant
Academy of Arts: Stagecraft Pathway
- Agents and Business Managers of Artists
- Performers and Athletes
- Makeup Artists
- Theatrical and Performance
Industry Average: $50,000 - $90,000+/Year
Projected Growth in the Field: 15% or Higher
Ready to Get Rolling?
Contact your Academy Lead or CTE Pathway Teachers for more information about their programs.
Programs are subject to change.
Academy Lead: Sean Blumenthal
Academy of Arts: Commercial Photography Pathway Teacher:
Kate Blumenthal
(805) 394-4750
Academy of Arts: Stagecraft Pathway Teacher:
Leah Calote
(805) 394-4750
Academy of Arts: Video Production Pathway Teacher:
Sean Blumenthal
(805) 394-4750
want a roadmap to photography?
(English Version)
(Spanish Version)
want a roadmap to video production?
(English Version)
(Spanish Version)