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Air Force Aviation & Leadership

AFJROTC Career Technical Education Pathway

Launch a Career in Public Service

The mission of Air Force Aviation and Leadership is to “Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.” Air Force Aviation and Leadership is not a USAF accessions program and cadets are never under any obligation to join the military. Air Force Aviation and Leadership is a citizenship training program that is designed to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill personal responsibility, character, and self-discipline. The program achieves this through classroom education in air and space fundamentals and hands on learning opportunities in a number of fun and challenging extra-curricular activities.

From JROTC, Cadets can join any component of the military. Collectively, there are hundreds of careers a Cadet can choose from, bearing their respective Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score.

Prepare in the Classroom

Build a strong AirForce Aviation and Leadership foundation. Classes include:

  • Air Force JROTC 300
  • Air Force JROTC 400

Get Real

Take what you learned out into the real world. Hands-on, in-depth immersive experiences may include:

  • Visit neighboring military bases (Edwards AFB, Vandenberg AFB, Channel Islands Air National Guard Station, Port Hueneme)
  • Visit universities with ROTC programs
  • Trips to VA facilities

Valuable Training for Exciting Careers

Kickstart your education and get a head start on your career with the help of our academic instruction and industry insight. Potential career paths these programs help prepare you for include:

  • Air Force Careers
  • Military Careers
  • Command Control
  • Space Careers
  • Law Enforcement
Logo for Oxnard High School Air Force Junior ROTC

Ready to Lead?

Contact your college & career technician for availability. 
Programs are subject to change.

CTE Teacher:
Jeremy Gomez
(805) 278-2907

Luis Murillo

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