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Law & Public Service

Law and Public Service Career Technical  Education Pathway

Chase a Career in Law

The Law & Public Service Pathway teaches students about the ways the U.S. Constitution influences law enforcement and legal proceedings. It also covers subjects like the Constitution’s restriction of various law enforcement techniques used to investigate crimes. Students will take college-level criminal justice courses, which include a variety of materials related to law enforcement, criminology, and the court system. Working with teachers and mentors, students will learn the skills needed for both college and career success. This multi-year program features both coursework and first-hand experience, and benefits students by preparing them for and exposing them to a potentially rewarding career.

Career Pathways help students explore their talents and use their experiences in the classroom to select career paths that they’re passionate about.

Prepare in the Classroom

Build a strong foundation with A-G approved courses and prepare yourself for an exciting new law & public service career. Classes include:

  • Introduction to Legal Systems
  • Criminal Justice Law Enforcement

Get Real

Take what you learned out into the real world and see first-hand what awaits you in the field of criminal justice. Hands-on, in-depth immersive experiences may include:

  • Guest Speakers
  • Workplace Tours
  • On or Off Site Internships

Valuable Training for Exciting Careers

Kickstart your career path in law & public service and pave the way to greater success in college with the help of our academic instruction and industry insight. Potential career paths these programs help prepare you for include:

  • Police Officer
  • Detective
  • Lawyer
  • Criminal Investigator
  • Social Worker

Industry Average: $60,000 - $75,000+/Year
Projected Growth in the Field: 5% to 9%

Law and Public Service at Condor High School

Ready to Get Started?

Contact your college & career technician for availability.
Programs are subject to change.

CTE Teacher:
Elizabeth Tobias
(805) 385-5885

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