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RFP 681 Transportation Services

RFP 681 Transportation Services

Bid Documents

RFP Responses:

Transportation Charges VCOE Picture.png

COI Language Additional Insured.png


Contracts from 2018 RFP 575:

RFP 681 Transportation Services.pdf

Attachment A OUHSD Transportation Agreement 2021-06-151.docx

Notice Inviting Proposals RFP 681 Transportation Services.pdf


Requests for Information (RFI):

1.      Can alternative student transportation  (TNC and/or Transportation management companies) participate in this RFP opportunity? We used Sedan, SUV, and wheelchair (1 student) vehicles to transport special needs students. Please clarify. OUHSD intends to contract directly with transportation carriers that have vehicles in their possession and have the ability to utilize a vehicle upon short notice or as a backup, and have a facility in which the vehicles are kept that the District can inspect at any time.  

** Is the district looking for any type of vehicle? example we use Sedans (Up to 3 Students) Large Vehicle (Vehicle with 3 rows, up to 5 students), and wheelchair Accessible (Ramp for access, 1 student) 

OUHSD is interested in receiving rates for the vehicles listed in Exhibit A Proposal Form and the "Other" area is for listing additional options. The language at the bottom of this form states, "Any route or request is not limited to the above listed vehicles."Respondents are free to list alternate options.

2.      Who is your current transportation provider or providers? We currently have multiple providers. From the last RFP 575, we had been contracted with ALC, Durham, First Student, HopSkipDrive, Roadrunner (contract canceled, Roadrunner out of business), Santa Barbara Airbus and Ventura Transit. Other carriers may be used at times when none of the above carriers are available. 

3.      What are the current rates with your current vendor? Any amendments or Addendums? Current rates are posted online at One amendment was issued with HopSkipDrive. 

4.      Can you please provide a copy of the district’s transportation agreement with the current vendor in addition to the certificate of insurance provided by your current vendor? Agreements and COI's from RFP 575 in 2018 are posted online at

5.      Can you please provide samples of invoices from your current transportation provider? We are not currently contracted directly with a carrier for Special Education routes, therefore, we do not have invoices to supply.

6.      How many routes/vehicles are currently used to transport your students? What’s the average number of students per vehicle? 46 buses, 12-16 students w/o van, w/c van 8-10 students

7.      Do you currently transport any students in wheelchair-accessible vehicles?  If so, how many vehicles are currently being used? Yes, 14 buses

8.      Do you require any special equipment to transport the students? eg. Safety Vest (Harness), Car Seat, Booster Seat, Buckle Guard, Partition …. etc? What’s the number of students who are in need of such equipment based on the current contract? 20 students (SV)

9.      Can this BID be awarded to multiple vendors? Yes, it is the District's intent to award to multiple carriers per RFP 681 language. 

10.  Can we submit our own bid price sheet with a base fee plus mileage? The District requires Exhibit A Proposal Form to be used to submit rates. Exhibit A Proposal Form includes an area where additional information can be submitted. 

11.  What are the Insurance limits and requirements? See Section 1.14 Proposed Contract and Attachment A Transportation Agreement for insurance details. 

12.  Do you have different bell schedules for your schools? Elementary, Middle, and High? OUHSD is a high school district. School site information can be found on our main website

13.  How many McKinney Vento students does the district currently transport and how does the district transport them to school? Information forthcoming.

14.   It seems unlikely that School Bus Contractors will have 50 special needs school buses and drivers of the type, age and size needed by the District standing by, ready for service without a commitment from the District well in advance of the start of the 2024-25 regular school year. In order to better ensure the District will have what it needs, will the District consider awarding a block of say 30 to 35 special needs bus routes to one Contractor and then assign the remaining routes to the as-needed Contractors? The District will consider that option.

15. When does the District expect to make a contract award? The District expects to make a contract award on November 15, 2023.

16. Which entity or entities currently transport the 400 special needs students that will be on the estimated 50 buses routes starting July 1, 2024? This is contracted through the Ventura County Office of Education. OUHSD is not currently contracted directly with a carrier for special needs transportation.

17. Section 1.14 of the RFP states the contract term will be three years with two one year options to extend by mutual agreement. The RFP does not address how the Proposer’s pricing will increase each year. Should each Proposer state its increases for years 2 and 3 and the increases for years 4 and 5 will be negotiated? The pricing provided in response to the RFP is firm pricing that will remain in effect unless the contract is amended. Amendment requests must be put in writing and be accepted by the District.

18. What is the start date for the three year initial term? The first year will run from the board contract award date through June 30, 2024. Each subsequent year will run from July 1 through June 30.  

19. Please provide the average total daily mileage for the anticipated special needs routes. Will the district consider higher pricing for out-of-district special needs transportation? The Daily Average is 873 miles. Any amendment requests related to out-of-district transportation rate changes, must be put in writing and be accepted by the District.

20. With the price of fuel being very volatile and unpredictable, will the district agree to add a fuel price adjustment clause to the agreement? Amendment requests must be put in writing and be accepted by the District.

21. Section 5.1 of the RFP, will the District remove the requirement that wheelchair lifts be located in the rear of the bus? The majority of school buses in use currently have lifts located in the front of the bus. Please list alternate vehicles on Exhibit A Proposal Form. The District will consider all carrier responses.

22. Bus Attendants or Bus Monitors are not mentioned in the RFP and there is no request for pricing for them. Are they provided by the District when needed? Yes.

23. How many buses for Special Education programs are anticipated to be operated during the summer and for how many school days? 29 Buses. Yes, Summer School (ESY) is generally 19 days.

24. Page 20 of the RFP, some districts define live time differently. Please define live time as it relates to this contract. 

According to our district, LIVE time refers to the usual meaning.

 Many of our drivers have two bus runs, also known as segments. 

Here's an example schedule:
- 7:15 AM: Pick up at Hill Street and G St
- 7:35 AM: Arrive at OHS
- 7:40 AM: Depart from OHS
- 7:50 AM: Stop at Navato and Hill Street

25. Routing System- Can you confirm that the district provide all routing for SPED routes? Would you like to see an option with a vendor providing routing? Yes, the District’s intent is to provide all routing. Any vendor provided routing options will be discussed at a future date.

26.     Confirmation that the RFP is twofold- 1. for as needed Home To School (HTS) pricing and 2. 50 SPED routes to start July 1, 2024. The RFP covers many types of events and needs. The District currently handles its own non-Sped Home to School transportation. Should special needs arise for non-Sped HTS transportation, the District would reach out to the approved carrier list. The RFP also includes general school activities and events, and Special Education routes.

27.     Can you provide a current fleet list for HTS and for SPED? The District does not have a Sped fleet.

28.     Can you share current routing information for SPED and HTS? The District will obtain Sped routing information and provide feedback when it is available.

29.     If type Ds and As are not available until after contract start, will Type C large capacity 72-75 be acceptable? Yes, if wheelchair ramps are available. Do you require Type Ds and or As for SPED routes? No. Does any of your type D fleet have under storage? Yes, some of the vehicles contain storage compartments.

30.     Will you consider a different maximum age for type As? Yes, with maximum of 20 years.

31.     Please confirm that the full contract is provided in attachment A, and the page numbers included. Or is the contract the one posted online? The contract is provided as Attachment A and is included on the OUHSD website under RFP 681 Transportation Services.

32.     Are their currently a number of days guaranteed for both SPED and HTS ? Will you have that for this work? The number of days for Sped Transportation is 180 standard school days plus 19 summer school days. Again, OUHSD handles its own non-Sped Home to School transportation.

33.     Do the white vans need wheelchair lifts? Wheelchairs lifts will be required if the carrier is transporting a student that requires the lift.

34.  How many Type As need to be wheel chair accessible? Same answer as above. Type C and Ds? None.

35.  Will the district consider Termination for Convenience Language? The District lists the Termination or Amendment language in Section 11 of the Agreement (Attachment A). The District will review any requests for language additions or revisions.

36.  Does the district mandate dry runs? Yes. If so, how many? One. Will the District reimburse for dry runs? Yes.

37.  Will the District require a wage scale from all bidders? No.

38.  Will the district consider contract language suggestions? Yes.

39.  What lead time will the district give the contractor to secure non yellow vehicles for use on this contract, so the contractor can secure the vehicle before the start of the route? Carrier will be required to transport 100% of the OUHSD students assigned by 8/10/24.

40.  Will the district consider waiving fleet restrictions (age and miles) for the first year of the contract due to the supply chain issues creating delays for vehicle availability? The District may consider waiving fleet restrictions for the first year of the contract.

41. On page 14. Will the district accept two cameras on type As? Yes.

42. How many, at a minimum, does the district require of wheelchair type A buses and how many wheelchairs does each bus have to hold? Wheelchairs lifts will be required if the carrier is transporting a student that requires the lift.

43. Does the District have a parking area available for a Contractor to use for Special Needs bus parking beginning July 1, 2024? No, the District does not have a location for parking. 

44. Can you please give me how the school should be listed on an insurance COI See attached screenshot COI Language Additional Insured under Bid Documents area of website

45. Can you share what the current daily rate, or what the rates are for your current SPED routes? How are you billed? Please see "Transportation Charges VCOE" picture attached in the Bid Documents section. These routes may include students from other Districts that are sharing buses. 

46. Would the District accept the use of mobile phones as an alternative to installing two-way radio communication systems in the vehicles? 

Two-way radios offer several key advantages rather than a cell phone. 

They ensure effective communication between bus drivers and dispatchers.

Improve response time in emergencies or accidents. 

Enhance coordination for routes and schedules.

Monitor driver behavior and adherence to safety protocols.

Facilitate communication during field trips and extracurricular events.

Aid in maintaining contact during inclement weather or hazardous road conditions.

Help in disseminating safety updates and alerts to drivers.

Assist with troubleshooting mechanical issues.

Enable real-time communication between multiple buses in a convoy.

Foster a secure environment for the students and staff on board. 


47. Would you be willing to do $5mm insurance? The District will only accept GL $5m per occurrence and $10m aggregate. An umbrella policy may supplement the difference should a company not carry $10m aggregate. All other coverage requirements noted in Attachment A OUHSD Transportation Agreement must be met, including, but not limited to, Auto, WC, Abuse and Molestation, etc.