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News Post

Teodoro Lopez

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Education Code Section 17558, that the Board of Trustees (“Board”) of the Oxnard Union High School District (“District”) has adopted Resolution No. 23-45 (“Resolution”), which states the Board’s intention to consider granting the City of Oxnard (“City”) three easements to provide necessary water pipeline and storm drain facilities (collectively, “City Easements”) to Del Sol High School (“DSHS”), located at 1975 Camino Del Sol, Oxnard, California, 93030, identified as Ventura County Assessor Parcel No. 214-0-020-635.  The City further requires the dedication of three rights-of-way to the City for public streets and public utility purposes (collectively, “City Rights-of-Way”).  A copy of the Resolution is on file at the District’s offices, located at 1800 Solar Drive, Oxnard, California, 93030, and is available for public inspection upon request.  

Pursuant to Education Code Section 17557 and 17559, the Board is calling a public hearing on this matter to be held on November 15, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon as thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the Board Room located at 1800 Solar Drive, Oxnard, California, 93030, on whether to grant the proposed City Easements and City Rights-of-Way to the City.  At such time and place, the Board will receive public comments and public protests, if any, with regard to such matters.  Comments may be submitted in writing or orally to the Board at the time of such public hearing.  Written protests may be withdrawn in writing at any time before the conclusion of the public hearing. 

Date: October 30, 2023 


By:   Richard Urias  

Richard Urias, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services 

Oxnard Union High School District 

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