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Board Goals

Vision/Mission Statement

District Vision

Creating Prosperity through Equity, Inquiry, and Wellness

District Mission Statement

The foundation of prosperity in our community is college readiness and career preparation for All Students through:

Equity - Recognize the reality of the societal and economic barriers facing our students and communities,
the Oxnard Union High School District will provide all students inclusive expectations supported by equitable grading practices and inclusive curriculum that promote college readiness and career preparation; 

Inquiry - Support the discovery and analysis of information essential for investigating and problem solving,
the Oxnard Union High School District will present students access to interactive instructional strategies - including information acquisition strategies and problem solving strategies

Wellness - Connect the relationship between mental health, physical health, and academic outcomes,
the Oxnard Union High School District will present students realtime social emotional and wellness services, including differentiated assistance for students who are Black/African American, Asian Filipino Pacific Islander , Indigenous, Latin-X, LGBTQIA+, receiving Special Education supports, Foster Youth, and McKinney/Vento Youth

Board Goal 1 - Instruction

Every Student is College Ready, Career Prepared and receives support to meet the High School graduation requirements

  1. Create learning environments that promote communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, that support increasing completion of a-g course requirements, career education pathways as well as maintain a 90% graduation rate with particular attention to students with disabilities and students who are traditionally underrepresented

  2. Attract, recruit and retain highly qualified faculty and staff with a focus on recruiting from traditionally underrepresented populations

  3. Increase and improve the number of students receiving college credit through advanced placement, dual enrollment, and international baccalaureate programs

  4. Continue to provide every student technology resources and effective online and in person restorative interventions through the implementation of the restorative intervention campus (ric) program

  5. Implement the the california community schools partnership program (ccspp) at cihs and hhs

  6. Increase and improve the implementation of board policy 5121 - grading for mastery & equity to 85% or higher across district classrooms

  7. Provide district faculty and staff professional development that creates a culture of college readiness and career preparation on each campus

  8. Continue to engage in partnerships with colleges, universities, and industry partners that increase 2 and 4 year college applications and support post-secondary career opportunities for every student, particularly students with disabilities and students who are traditionally underrepresented

  9. Specifically support reading, writing, speaking, academic vocabulary, and mathematical literacy for english learners, low income students, students with disabilities, as well as foster and homeless youth 

  10. Develop instructional practices that promote inquiry and encourage curriculum inclusive of all students - with a particular focus on those students who are traditionally underrepresented and/or experiencing conditions of poverty, housing insecurity, and/or who are accessing english as a new language.

Board Goal 2 - Social Emotional and Wellness Supports

Every Student receives access to Social Emotional and Wellness supports and services in a healthy teaching and learning environment that celebrates and promotes trusting relationships.

  1. Identify and annually budget for wellness center needs

  2. Expand, maintain, and improve partnerships with mental health and wellness service providers to support therapeutic and clinical services for students, staff, and families

  3. Sustain and grow wellness programming specific to the transition to high school for first year students

  4. Wellness centers will provide direct comprehensive wrap around social emotional and wellness services facilitated by universal screening and supported by culturally responsive and multilingual staff

  5. Continue to provide inclusive wellness programming for students, staff, and families that destigmatizes seeking mental health services

  6. Expand, maintain, and improve newcomer welcome centers to provide comprehensive academic and social emotional support to students arriving with limited or interrupted formal education. provide wraparound support for families and caregivers of newcomer students through the newcomer welcome centers

  7. Develop approaches to social justice issues and topics that promote collaborative problem solving, foster honest productive conversations, build inclusive safe spaces on campus, prevent bullying, and recognize and celebrate the different experiences of students, particularly students who are black, filipino, indigenous, latin-x, lgbtqia+, students with disabilities, pacific islanders, and others who are traditionally underrepresented through restorative practices in order to reduce annual suspension days and annual unduplicated suspensions by 10% & reduce annual expulsions by 10%

Board Goal 3 - Equitable Facilities and Infrastructure

Every Student learns in a school facility that provides a safe, accessible environment as well as equitable teaching and learning conditions.

  1. Implement a five-year plan for routine maintenance, repair and replacement of district facilities & infrastructure including an annual budget for routine restricted maintenance, information technology, and transportation needs as noted in their respective five (5) year plans beyond the required 3%

  2. Explore, support, and advocate for free high speed, high quality broadband internet service in oxnard union high school district communities

  3. Implement a plan to reduce the district’s environmental footprint that includes, but is not limited to: recycling programs, water conservation, reduction of single use plastics, and electric vehicles

  4. Begin work on amendment #4 of the del sol high school project and continue to work to completion 
    on the  channel islands high school HVAC project

Board Goal 4 - Communication

Provide timely, linguistically competent, culturally sustaining communication for students, parents, families, staff, and community.

  1. Maintain a consistent social media presence with weekly posts about district and site events 
    as well as highlighting successful students, staff, and programs in the district

  2. Work with local and regional television and print media to highlight successful students and programs in the district

  3. Maintain and improve the district communication plan based on community need and community feedback

  4. Provide regular district communications to students, parents, and families through multiple platforms in multiple languages