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October - Nutrition Services Newsletter

Teodoro Lopez

National school lunch week October 15-18

To recognize the National School Lunch Program, serving nearly 30 million children each day across the United States, OUHSD will be celebrating National School Lunch Week from October 14-18. We will be highlighting the nutritious foods available in the cafeteria. Some of the offerings that week will include carnitas tacos, chicken burritos, orange chicken bowls, vegan garden salads, everyone’s favorite- pizza and so much more! Stop into the cafeteria and say AHOY! to your dedicated school lunch pirates!

LCFF education benefit form

What is it? The Education Benefit Form collects information that helps our school receive additional funding to enhance services provided to students. This form is also used to qualify households for reduced priced services, summer EBT and more!

Who should fill it out? All incoming 9th graders, all students attending Del Sol HS and students new to OUHSD.

How do I fill out the Education Benefit Form? Digital forms are linked on the OUHSD Nutrition Services webpage. Paper copies are available in the main office.

Please submit completed forms before October 31, 2024.

For questions please contact Martha Morales Garcia at 805-385-2764 or email


Friday’s are now Fri-YAY’s in the Cafeteria. Students who come through the lunch line on Friday can receive a whole-grain treat.

Each month the treat will change so students should to come to the cafeteria to see what is being offered.

While supplies last.

Harvest of the month

Harvest of the Month for October is Cilantro!

The cilantro used in the Harvest of the Month Street Corn Salad is grown in Santa Barbara County by Sunrise Organic Farms. You can find the HOM served every Tuesday and Thursday in the cafeteria!

Image courtesy of the Rancho Campana Photo Class!

Attached Print Friendly Documents

October Nutrition Services Thumbnail
Servicios De Nutricion Hoja informativa thumbnail